Agendas and Minutes

Forest Lands Committee (View All)

Regular Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

ASHLAND FOREST LANDS COMMISSION April 14, 2004 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank Betlejewski, Richard Brock, Stephen Jensen (Chair), Bill Robertson Members Absent: Jo Anne Eggers, Anthony Kerwin, Diane White Staff Present: Nancy Slocum Non Voting Members Present: Marty Main Non Voting Members Absent: Chris Hearn, Cameron Meeks (Student Liaison) I. CALL TO ORDER: 4:44 PM II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 31, 2004 minutes were approved with three minor corrections. III. PUBLIC FORUM: None. IV. STAFF REPORTS (20 MIN) A. Marty Main, Consultant Forester, reported on the Restoration Project. To date the helicopter and log trucks were finished with their work. The project yielded a total of 111 log truck loads. Main’s crews were piling slash for burning next winter. (Betlejewski volunteered to research grass seed for the burn piles.) The project was expected to break even financially. Main commended the contractors. Betlejewski noted that the project was well planned. Jensen asked if there were any surprises. Main said the only challenge was dealing with the dead and defective timber. Brock added that the project seemed to be deficient in large woody debris, but had an excess of small coarse wood. Commission thanked Main and Chief Woodley for all their hard work on this project. V. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: A. Finalize Alternative to the Forest Service’s Watershed Projection Plan – Betlejewski reported that he, Brock, Cate Hartzell, Cindy Deacon Williams, Howard Heiner, Joseph Vaile and Marty Main had met to further discuss the possibility of a community alternative to USFS’s Ashland Forest Resiliency Project under the HFRA Act. The goal of a community alternative would be to gain “standing” in the process. Brock read the 2003 Upper Bear Assessment and thought treatment of the Ashland Watershed should be done differently. Betlejewski agreed. They suggested blending the Forest Commission’s and AWSA’s documents to come up with an alternative. Betlejewski explained that no time extension could or would be granted (USFS’s current timeline included appeal time) and that Linda Duffy was not the ultimate decision-maker. Heiner volunteered to research county requirements and reported that the community alternative could be a work in progress. His assumption was that the City Council and the County Commissioners would also have to approve the community alternative before April 30th. The next community meeting was scheduled to be held at Headwaters on April 21st at 2:30 PM. B. Approval of Public Forum Protocol – Jensen offered a draft statement to be included in future agendas. The statement read: “The AFLC places great value upon citizen comments to our work. The Public Forum is the time to speak to any item NOT on the printed agenda. Agenda items where the public is invited to comment will have an asterisk attached. The Chair may limit these comments to 3 minutes depending on the topic and the length of the agenda. A comment offered on an agenda item does not automatically allow the participant to continue commenting throughout AFLC deliberations. Written comments are encouraged and always appreciated. Brock thought it important to allow the public to have an opportunity to comment on all agenda items listed as “Items for Discussion”. Robertson thought three minutes per citizen might ultimately slow down the meeting. Commission asked Slocum to incorporate these comments and draft an agenda with draft protocol added. The commission will review it during the regular May meeting. C. Winburn Goals and Objectives – Commission reviewed White’s draft goals and objectives. Robertson asked that the “notes” be separated from the goals, but incorporated into the body of the document. Jensen thought a goal should be included that dealt with water quality and quantity as in the lower parcel. Betlejewski wanted to incorporate the idea of reducing stand density by thinning – active management techniques. VI. PROJECTS PENDING/REQUIRING ACTION – Tabled. VII. OTHER BUSINESS – None VIII. REVIEW AND SET COMMISSION CALENDAR / NEXT MEETING Commission voted to hold a special meeting on Thursday, April 22 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM to work on an alternative. The commission was asked to bring written comments to that meeting. IX. ADJOURN: 6:01 PM

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