Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Regular Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

These Minutes are preliminary pending approval by Conservation Commission at the April 23, 2003 Conservation Commission Meeting.

MINUTES FOR Conservation Commission
March 26, 2003 – 7:00 p.m.
Civic Center Council Chambers
1175 E. Main Street

Prior to meeting a study session was held and the following goals were suggested for the next year.

  • Renew the Street Sweeping and Leaf Collection Program in Fall 2003
  • Expand the Commercial Green Waste Program
  • Expand the use of recycled products by the City of Ashland by at least 5%
  • Capitalize on the solar pioneer program participants to launch the City's new marketing affiliation with the Bonneville environmental foundation's Green Tag Program
  • Develop a Conservation Education series of at least quarterly classes or workshops
  • Explore development of Rainwater Harvesting Initiative
  • Have a Conservation Commission presence at the City's July 4th Celebration
  • Increase participation in the City's Adopt a Street and Storm Drain Stenciling Programs
  • Assist the 6 newest Green Business participants to advance to the next program level
    Chairperson, Alex Amarotico, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Ashland Council Chambers.

    Attendees: Charles Bennett, Carol Carlson, Joanne Krippaehne, Bruce Moats were present. Jim Hartman, Russ Chapman, Paige Prewett, and Darcy Cronin were absent.

    City Council Liaison: Alex Amarotico
    Staff Liaison: Dick Wanderscheid, Larry Giardina


    Joanne Krippaehne moved to adopt goals as stated by Dick Wanderscheid and agreed upon by the commission members in Study Session. Charles Bennett seconded. Vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.


    Bennett moved to approve the minutes, Krippaehne seconded. Voice vote: all Ayes Vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

    The minutes of the Conservation Commission Meeting of March 26, 2003 were approved as presented.

    There was no one present who wished to speak.

    No report this month.


    1. Marketing

    Bennett reported on the progress of the display and explained they were not able to get the graphics, so they would use the clip art instead. The designed was changed a little bit to include clip art, conservation tips, and city solutions to include energy conservation, water conservation and different programs with the City. Cronin and Bennett will meet a few more times to finish up this project in order to get it ready by Earth Day, April 27th.

    Bennett talked about the implementation of the passport event at Earth Day, citing different examples of the activity. Krippaehne suggested the commission organizes who can help at Earth Day and it was decided the members would commit for two-hour time blocks. Mary McClary would send a reminder email asking the members to contact Prewett directly.


    Update on Earth Advantage

    Larry Giardina reported that we have two inquires for the Earth Advantage program, one will be under the PGE program, while we develop the standards for our program, and the other will be based on our program in June. We have a builder, Steve Asher who is already interested in participating in our program with a project that may include 70 homes. Giardina explained about the Earth Advantage program and how the program and requirements will work. There was some discussion about our standards and the commitment to maintaining a high level. Carol Carlson asked if the program could be presented to the commission when it is developed. Gardina also stated that we would like to provide better explanations of why certain things would be worth points. Krippaehne wondered if PGE would still promote their program and how the public would distinguish between the two. Gardina explained they are willing to be under our program and they would not recruit builders or houses. Wanderscheid explained that it would be our responsibility to require our standards be met, for example, by working with the sub-contractors.

    Green Tag Program

    Wanderscheid reported a synopsis of the program was included in the packet and hoped that the Commission makes a recommendation to take this to the City Council to execute the affiliated marketing agreement. Wanderscheid would present the material to the Council and we can begin to start this program. Krippaehne pointed out that this represents no cost to the City.

    Wanderscheid explained that the Bonneville Power where we buy most of our power from is different from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation where we buy green tags from, is a separate organization. That organization buys new green power, not hydro, mostly wind and some solar.

    Krippaehne moved that the Commission ask the Council to approve a marketing agreement for green tag with the BEF. Bennett seconded the motion. Vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.


    Conservation Staff

    Wanderscheid explained the role of the Conservation Staff and staff assignments that was included in the packet for today's meeting. Included are contacts for each program so the Commission/citizens are clear on whom to contact.

    Krippaehne asked for clarification of the check me program verses the energy audit and Gardina briefly explained the contractor's involvement, in heat pump and air-conditioning equipment. He further explained the energy audit is based on the building itself. Cathy Cartmill would be the contact person and there is information on the web site.

    Gardina talked about a palm pilot program that involved contractor's connection with measuring devises sponsored through the Northwest Energy Alliance.

    City Talk Show

    Wanderscheid mentioned about the City show that airs on the third Thursday of each month that highlights a Commission. Conservation Commission will be highlighted on May 15th and asked for 2 volunteers to participate.


    Wanderscheid discussed the purchase of compost bins in time for the next class. Krippaehne moved that they authorize Dick Wanderscheid to buy up to $500.00 worth of compost bins. Bruce Moats seconded. Vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

    There was discussion about the next normally scheduled meeting time of April 23 and Krippaehne moved that the 23rd remain as the next meeting time.

    Bennett reported about the slide show for the tips and discussion followed about the formatting and options for sending more than one slide.

    Carol Carlson asked if you have to reside in Ashland to buy green tags, and Wanderscheid pointed out that anyone can buy green tag on the internet, and also green power can be purchased from Pacific Power.
    Carlson mentioned that we should be aware of county programs also.

    Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

    Respectfully submitted,
    Mary McClary, Assistant
    to Electric Department

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