Agendas and Minutes

Conservation and Climate Outreach Committee (View All)

Regular Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Minutes Conservation Commission 2/26/03 These Minutes are preliminary pending approval by Conservation Commission at the March 26, 2003 Conservation Commission Meeting.

MINUTES FOR Conservation Commission
February 26, 2003 – 7:00 p.m.
Civic Center Council Chambers
1175 E. Main Street

Prior to meeting a study session was held and the following goals were suggested for the next year.

  • Renew the Street Sweeping and Leaf Collection Program in Fall 2003
  • Expand the Commercial Green Waste Program
  • Expand the use of recycled products by the City of Ashland
  • Follow up on the Solar Pioneer Program and use this opportunity to launch the City's new marketing affiliation with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation's Green Tag Program
  • Develop a Conservation Education series of classes or workshops
  • Begin work on a Rainwater Harvesting Initiative
  • Have a Conservation Commission presence at the City's July 4th celebration
  • Expand membership in the City's Adopt a Street and Storm Drain Stenciling Programs
  • CALL TO ORDER Chairperson, Alex Amarotico, called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. in the Ashland Council Chambers.

    ROLL CALL Attendees: Charles Bennett, Darcy Cronin, Joanne Krippaehne, Russ Chapman, Paige Prewett and Carol Carlson and Bruce Moats were present. In addition, Lisa Black was present representing Ashland Sanitary. Jim Hartman was absent.

    City Council Liaison: Alex Amarotico
    Staff Liaison: Dick Wanderscheid

    Several corrections were proposed by Ashland Sanitary and Paige Prewett who submitted them in writing. There was general discussion about not posting draft minutes on the Web site until they have been approved at the following meeting.
    Russ Chapman made a motion to approve minutes with changes, and Darcy Cronin seconded. Voice Vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

    The minutes of the Conservation Commission Meeting of January 29, 2003 were approved with changes noted.

    There was no one present who wished to speak.

    Lisa Black reported:
    The telephone book drive has started and all of the elementary schools are participating except Bellview. Black clarified that the trophy the 1st place winners get is a traveling trophy.

    Ashland Sanitary shipped their first load of single-stream co-mingle to Far West Fibers on Tuesday, February 25th located in Clackamas. Glass and motor oil will continue to be separated on the curb.

    Black also reported the new recycling truck will be on line approximately the end of March, and rechargeable batteries can be recycled where they are sold.


    1. Marketing

    Joanne Krippaehne reported that Darcy was able to get information about the dragon for Earth Day and made a proposal to divide up production activities to be completed by Earth Day.

    They continued to look at costs of recycling paper goods and received some good information that will be passed to Kari Olsen in the near future.

    She reported that Fran Barteau has agreed to list Conservation Tips in the City Newsletter or utility bill stuffers on a regular basis. Krippaehne will submit a list taken from the approved list of tips.

    Ann Seltzer has put together a Power Point template for sending tips to RVTV and Charles Bennett has volunteered to manage the process.

    Paige Prewett suggested we express our appreciation to those who were Solar Pioneers, since the program has expired, and also present to them the Green Tag Program.

    One idea for the 4th of July activities was recruiting kids to carry the message of making the 4th a litter-free event and Prewett had some ideas about kids we could recruit.

    Darcy Cronin updated the Commission on the recycling dragon information and explained placement would depend on dimensions. She also asked for photos from any activities that the Conservation Committee sponsored. She then gave an update for the Display Board and brought up a need to discuss the budget amount that can be used for the display.

    Krippaehne wondered if the Conservation Department had a graphic of a cut away of a house and Wanderscheid noted that Earth Advantage has one, but we might want to consider having one of our own.

    Charles Bennett brought up the idea of interchangeable tips to compliment Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Discussion followed about various ways to obtain the graphics for the house and objects.

    Joanne Krippaehne made a motion to allow Darcy Cronin to encumber up to $500.00 for graphic art, and if we can not get it for $500.00 or under, we use Prewett's ideas of using clip art.

    There was discussion about what would be expected in the design, parameters, size and placement.

    Amarotico asked for a second for the motion on the floor and Russ Chapman seconded the motion. Voice Vote: all Ayes. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.


    Update on Earth Advantage

    Dick Wanderscheid reported they were waiting for the revised specs based on their input and the marketing plan has been drafted by Ann Seltzer in hopes of promoting this program to the public in April or May.
    Amarotico wondered if the Green Tag Program could be part of the Earth Advantage Program and Wanderscheid explained that builders would build the home but purchasers of Green Tags would be the home buyers.

    Green Tag Program

    Wanderscheid reported that the Bonneville Environmental Foundation would love to have a utility partner and sent him an affiliated marketing agreement and we could enter into that agreement with BEF, promoting the program at least twice a year. People, who buy green tags with BEF, from Ashland, will be traced by BEF and we would receive a payment of $1.00 for every green tag purchased to be used in renewable energy programs. There is also a possibility of providing a system at a school at no cost. We would be the first utility to sign with BEF. Wanderscheid offered to present an explanation at the next meeting. He will explore different options with the Wilderness Charter, or with North Mountain facility and/or the third option would be to try and fund two systems.

    Wanderscheid thanked Prewett and Cronin for suggesting this program, how it is a great follow up to the Solar Pioneer Program. Cronin is researching outreach materials and went on the BEF web site and found a link for information about Ashland Solar. Wanderscheid agreed with Prewett's idea of sending a letter to the Solar Pioneers about the Green Tag Program to kick it off.



    Amarotico discussed the balance left for projects after 500.00 committed for Earth Day and up to 500.00 for the display would be 1,057.57. Wanderscheid mentioned the need to purchase compost bins for compost classes, most likely around 50 more, leaving around 500.00 in the balance. He reminded the committee to keep in mind that 4th of July expenses will need to come out of this year's budget.

    Discussion followed about the cost of decals for distribution at Earth Day and/or other activities or options. Prewett brought up the question of what is the Commission's role in Earth Day, and asked for volunteers to help on Sunday, April 27th.

    Krippaehne noted the Green Businesses that were recruited need to be taken to the next step, which might concern funds, and Wanderscheid agreed that we should have a plan by the April meeting.

    Cronin asked everyone to change her email address to darcycronin at

    Krippaehne brought up a conference that was coming up, a net energy home conference, and presented the information, primarily about the meeting. Wanderscheid explained the process of net metering. Wanderscheid also brought up a conference in Portland coming up called The Sustainability Forum and thought someone from the Commission would be interested in attending. The trade show is May 29-31 and the website is for information. He explained that the Commission has sent people in the past, and covered registration and mileage. Cronin volunteered to do research and report at the next meeting.

    The subject of meeting over spring break was discussed and noted which members would not be able to attend. It was determined to still hold the meeting at the regular scheduled time.

    Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

    Respectfully submitted,
    Mary McClary, Assistant
    to Electric Department

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